Mass immigration is the biggest existential threat to the survival of Europe. For what you propose here would require U.S. withdrawal from Europe and the dissolution of NATO which is directly opposite the policies of those directing U.S. foreign policy these days and desire a Europe militarily, politically, and economically vassalized to the The United States. After Ukraine is defeated dnd there is some sort of settlement, Russia is a natural ally and partner of Europe (esp an independent Germany free from Atlanticist control).

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I'm not proposing the end of NATO or a US withdrawal from Europe.

I am proposing that Europe be able (through appropriate institutions and physical capabilities) to act on its own, without the USA.

"After Ukraine is defeated" -- this will only happen if Europe + USA choose not to help Ukraine enough. Russia has a weak economy and an unskilled badly-trained army, and is a good deal less powerful than people assumed at the start of 2022.

"Russia is a natural ally and partner of Europe" -- Putin isn't capable of being an ally to anyone, his own character prevents it.

As for mass immigration, that's a wholly separate issue.

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> I'm not proposing the end of NATO or a US withdrawal from Europe.

AWWWWW! But... please? :D

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Ukraine is currently being defeated and only survives (barely) with western financial and military support. It will not militarily defeat Russia nor regain territories taken by it. It will not be a NATO

member because Russia will not permit it.

Putin wanted to join NATO in 2000 but Clinton rebuffed him. I disagree with your view on Putin. All western policies have done are drive Russia into the arms of China and make Europe more dependent economically on the United States. Neither of these outcomes sound positive for the future of Europe, in my opinion. Otherwise I agree with you here. I favor a European confederation (not a unitary state) along decentralized lines with great local and regional autonomy with the current managerial elites in Brussels removed from their positions and replaced by people who actually love Europe and care for it more than in economic or abstract philosophical terms.

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You cannot possibly know for certain what will happen, so don't pretend you do.

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Most observers and military/foreign policy analysts agree with me. Even supporters of Ukraine concede there will be no defeat of Russia militarily nor Zelensky of all people riding triumphantly into The Kremlin atop a Leopard Tank with Putin’s head on a spike. Let us dispense with fantasies.

Ukraine is rapidly being bled white and its military is in disarray. It is steadily losing not gaining territory at great cost in personnel and material. This cannot go on forever even with infusions of billions of dollars and euros in assistance.

Russia is part of Europe too though both Russia and Ukraine belong within their own civilizational sphere (Eastern Orthodox, non-Western European). Russia wouldn’t allow

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Russia wouldn’t allow a Ukrainian government to join NATO even if a western installed puppet regime ruled the country. That would be as tolerable for Russia as a Russian naval base in Ireland would be for Britain.

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Russia doesn't have the power to prevent NATO from doing things, as you well know.

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Of course it has power which is why The West hadn’t been more aggressive, just passive-aggressive while letting their Ukrainian pawns do the dying.

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"Most observers and military/foreign policy analysts agree with me" -- citation needed. Show me a poll of foreign policy analysts, who've been chosen for being unbiased, who thinks this, giving their reasons.

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Get yourself on Google and look. No serious foreign policy analyst believes Ukraine can actually militarily defeat Russia let alone all the tough talk by neocons and the crowd in Brussels about ‘regime change’ in Russia.

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The question remains; will Zelensky be dead, in exile, or imprisoned within a few years time?

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Europe will never be independent while under American domination.

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I support this idea, and have for decades. As an American.

Please, for the love of all the gods and little fishes. If we aren't willing to kick our NATO habit, nothing would please me more than to have all of Europe force us to go cold turkey there. Just one thing. *Don't* let the USA join. We're too big of a counterweight. See also: The Current State of NATO

I mean, by all means, buy our guns, or sell us yours. I'm never going to stop loving firearms. But make sure that we're not involved in any of the navigation of anything.

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